[Sacramento, CA] - Luke's Pop Up - Netflix Promo @Chocolate Fish Coffee Roasters

When Gilmore Girls first aired, I watched it for the first few seasons. The premise was pretty interesting and I enjoyed all of the references, especially the Pippi Longstocking viewing that Lorelai forced on Luke. I remember watching that movie as a kid. Any show that loves that movie is A-OK in my book! 

Since they planned on a revival of the show, they had pop-ups all around the country. It was a great move on Netflix's part. I was pretty excited to hear that there would be one in Sacramento also. Even better, it was at Chocolate Fish. If they had it someplace with bad coffee, I can't say for certain that I would have gone. I showed up maybe twenty-five minutes before they opened and there was already a long line forming. Luckily, it wasn't too long before they opened. They worked fast, giving us all that free cup of Luke's special coffee. The employees even dressed like Luke Danes; it was pretty awesome! I'm glad I stopped by. I still have the coffee sleeve 😸

Luke's signature "no cell phone" sign! 

00 P St #1203
Sacramento, CA 95814



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