[Portland, OR] - Tight Tacos

Belated, I know. On Cinco de Mayo, we ended up at Tight Tacos for... tacos. In Portland. It always feels weird to me getting tacos up North but you know what? Portland has some serious tacos that rival many a taco truck and restaurant in California! Feel free to assume that I don't know my tacos, but try some of the good places in Portland and then get back to me.

There isn't much seating in the tiny fenced off area by Tight Tacos, but I think on a regular day it might not be an issue. As it was Cinco de Mayo, there was quite a crowd. The cooks worked steadily and efficiently. While there was a wait, it wasn't bad. I just gave us time to knock back a few ghetto chavelas. While I don't agree with the name, it was pretty good. There was a little bit of hot sauce and lime juice squeezed into the opened can, and then rimmed with some Tajin chile piquin.

It didn't take long for us to devour our tacos before moving onto Pip's, which was parked along the street.

Al Pastor and carnitas tacos. Both were juicy and delicious.

Seeing meat roasting like this always makes me hungry.

935 SE Cesar Estrada Chavez Blvd
Portland, OR 97214


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