[Sacramento, CA] - Binchoyaki Izakaya Dining - Wednesday Dollar Oysters!
One of my favorite spots in Sacramento is Binchoyaki. I've already posted before about them , but that was two years ago. I think it's ready for a quick update. What's great is the food is still just as good as it was two years ago, and with a few updates. The dollar oyster deal has been going on a bit I think, I just haven't had a chance to go yet. Since it's still May, we decided to check it out. I was enjoying myself too much to ask what type of oyster it was that was included for their dollar oysters, honestly. And, dollar oysters usually mean super ocean-y-gotta-really-like-seafood-and-its-smells kind of oysters. But, I am happy to report that those dollar oysters are good! They're a little on the bigger side than what I would pick for myself, but they weren't overwhelmingly big (I'm lookin at you, Pacific Oyster). They were slightly briney, but not too much. The vinaigrette was very strong. Since I like oysters and their natural flavor, next t...